University of California, Davis


2005, winter

Physical Organic Chemistry, Chem 233, instructor, syllabus is available here

overall rating from students: 5.0/5

look at all the happy students working on their problem set

2004, fall

Organic Chemistry, Chem 128A, instructor, syllabus is available here

overall rating from students: 4.8/5

helping students after lecture

2004, spring

Organic Chemistry for Health and Life Sciences, Chem 118B, instructor, syllabus is available here

overall rating from students: 4.7/5

2004, winter

Physical Organic Chemistry, Chem 233, instructor, syllabus is available here

overall rating from students: 4.5/5


University of California, Los Angeles


2000, winter

Physical, Mechanistic, and Biological Organic Chemistry, Chem 243A, instructor, discussion leader

overall rating from students: 8.7/9

1999, fall

Problems in Advanced Organic Chemistry, Chem 249A, guest lecturer, teaching assistant on a volunteer basis

1999, spring

Symmetry and Science, Chem 98T, course designer, instructor, offered as part of the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows, syllabus is available here

1999, winter

Computational Organic Chemistry, Chem 245, laboratory/discussion leader

overall rating from students: 8.8/9

1998, fall

Physical, Mechanistic, and Biological Organic Chemistry, Chem 243A, discussion leader, guest lecturer

overall rating from students: 8.8/9

1998, summer

General Chemistry: Chemical Structure, Chem 20A, UCLA Mathematics and Science Scholars Program (MS2) Pre-Instruction in Science and Mathematics (PRISM), instructor

1997, fall

Physical, Mechanistic, and Biological Organic Chemistry, Chem 243A, discussion leader, guest lecturer

overall rating from students: 8.7/9

1996, spring

Honors Organic Chemistry, Chem 132CH, discussion leader, guest lecturer

1996, winter

Organic Chemistry, Chem 132B, discussion leader

overall rating from students: 7.8/9

1995, fall

Honors Organic Chemistry, Chem 132AH, discussion leader

overall rating from students: 8.5/9


Harvard University


1995, summer

Accelerated Organic Chemistry, Chem S-20, discussion leader




2000, winter

Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award, Academic Senate Committee on Teaching, UCLA

1999, fall

Chemistry and Biochemistry Departmental Prize for Distinguished Teaching, UCLA

1998, spring

Chosen a member of the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows, UCLA

1996, fall

Chemistry and Biochemistry Departmental Award for Distinguished Teaching, UCLA


Other Activities



Advisor to Organic graduate students, UC Davis Department of Chemistry


Informal Mechanism Sessions, taught priciples of organic reactivity to graduate students, UCLA

1998, spring

Venice High School Science Outreach Program, invited speaker


Tutor, Organic Chemistry




"It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done keeping things out."

C. S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters, 1960


"Some people aren't aware of what they are teaching. They should be wiser. Everybody teaches all the time."

George Lucas, The New Yorker, 1997