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To submit a sample for single crystal X-ray crystallographic analysis please first download the submission form available from this page. We ask that you then provide us with the completed submission form along with the crystals. Please leave the crystals in their mother liquor whenever possible.

For UCD submissions please hand deliver the completed submission form along with the crystals to Dr. James Fettinger in Chemistry Building room 7 or 8 (office phone: 530-754-7822; X-ray lab phone: 530-752-3534; email: JCFettinger@UCDavis.edu).

For mail submission please send the completed submission form along with the crystals to:

Dr. James Fettinger
One Shields Avenue
Chemistry Department
The University of California
Davis, CA 95616-5298

Download the Submission Form in .pdf

ZnTMCP crystalpicenoporphyrin crystaldjn195 crystal

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