? Methods
With two fume hoods, several balances, an ultracentrifuge, ultrasonicator, drying oven, fraction collector, rotary evaporator, and stills for solvent purification, our laboratory contains all necessary equipment for the synthesis of colloids and cluster based materials. Of two M.Braun glove boxes, one provides the environment for synthetic studies involving oxygen-sensitive materials, whereas the other box is available for electrochemical investigations using a PC controlled PAR 263 potentiostat. The lab is also equipped with an Olympus BX51 microscope and an Ocean Optics HR2000 CG-UV-NIR spectrometer--essential tools for characterizing the structures and properties of our nanomaterials. Lab
For compound/materials characterization we make extensive use of the Materials Science/Central Facilities.  It houses the Scintag XDS 2000 Powder X-ray diffractometer as well as several electron microscopes: an FEI XL30-SFEG scanning electron microscope, a Philips CM12 100kV (scanning) transmission electron microscope and a JEOL 2500SE (S)TEM.  (Download mpeg video (9.2MB) Philips CM12 (S)TEM
Further microscopic and spectroscopic characterization are performed at the Nanomaterials in the Environment, Agriculture, and Technology Organized Research Unit (NEAT-ORU) Spectral Imaging Facility.  Instruments here include a Renishaw Laser Raman microscope, a Hitachi S-4100T FE-SEM/Oxford EDS, an Olympus FluoView Confocal Laser Scanning microscope, and an Asylum Research MFP-3D atomic force microscope. MFP-3D AFM
IR measurements are made using a Mattson Galaxy Series FTIR 3000.  NMR experiments are performed on a Varian Inova 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer.  These are carried out in the analytical and NMR-facilities in the chemistry building. A single X-ray diffractometer equipped with a CCD is accessible through the departmental X-ray laboratory. Chemistry Building

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